Jan Snoeck
Place of birth
Year of birth
Artworks BKDH
Drie keramische plastieken, 1972
A group of enthusiastic residents of The Hague's Escamp neighborhood dedicated themselves for years to the preservation and visibility of works of art in [...].
Zonder titel, 2003
"The essence of my work is its poetic nature and beyond that I absolutely don't want to make things more weighty than they are": that [...]
Zonder titel, 1979
There it sits cozily next to the temporary entrance to Westeinde Hospital. It could easily also be a side, or a hen.
Reliëf en mozaïek, 1965
The monumental wall decoration by Jan Snoeck that was installed in 1965 on the façade of the polder pumping station on the corner of Bezuidenhoutseweg and [...].
Z.T. (Buizenplastiek), 1957
This school building was opened in 1957 as HBS Zuiderpark. The architect was Sjoerd Schamhart. He made a light and functional building, entirely in the style of [...].
Acht koppen, 1963/1964
Colourless grey speckled aluminium concrete. At the time, it was an innovative material. Jan Snoeck executed eight different heads in it. Elongated and caricatural, the noses considerably [...].
Vlucht, 1960
Most people only know his stylised human figures made of colourful ceramics. You can find these sculptures by Jan Snoeck everywhere in the Netherlands, on squares and along [...].
De Kleurpijp, 1972
With a little imagination, you can see a gigantic earthworm in the colour pipe that winds through the bushes along the main sewer building on Houtrustweg in The Hague.
Drie plastieken, 1979
Above one of the many articles written about the work of Jan Snoeck over the years is the headline 'Jan Snoeck [...]
Zieken te bed, 1979
A walk along sculptures in The Hague takes you past more than ten works by Jan Snoeck. Not all of them are immediately recognisable as being by Snoeck. Because as well as [...]
Man, 1981
They run like a thread through his work; the themes sit, lie and walk. Simple, but sufficient for Jan Snoeck to work with them endlessly [...].
Rasp, 1968
Like the concrete sculpture 'Spectre' made by the artist in 1966, the obelish-shaped bronze 'Rasp' was placed on the lawn two years later [...].
Zonder titel (Objectengroep met 22 beelden), 1985
Jan Snoeck has a thing for image groups. By placing two or more separate human images near each other, he is better able to [...]
Vakantieganger, 1986
Kijkduin has many sun worshippers, but this vacationer is almost always there, weather or no weather. Once in a while, however, his skin must also [...]
Haan, (1970) 1984
In 1982 art historian Jetteke Bolten wrote about the work of the Hague artist Jan Snoeck. Colour is part of my [...]
Spectre, 1966
In the art world people often think in stereotypes and boxes. When hearing the name Jan Snoeck, one immediately thinks of abstracted ceramic human figures, [...].
La nostalgie de la lumière totale, Paul Eluard, 2000
Recognizable and accessible are the images of Jan Snoeck. Everyone knows his worm shaped figures. In the course of his career he has had many [...]