Another 50 new images!


Now also artworks Segbroek and Loosduinen online

From Tuesday 31 August onwards everyone can also find extensive information about the works of art in the urban districts of Segbroek and Loosduinen via the website Buitenkunst Den Haag( Then some 50 descriptions will be added to the more than 300 that can already be found on the website. At the beginning of the summer, culture alderman Robert van Asten, together with Alexandra Landré, the new artistic director of art platform Stroom Den Haag, launched this website with background information about all the artworks on the street in The Hague. The information is just as accessible as the sculptures themselves: 24/7 and free for everyone. By the end of 2021, photographs and interesting background stories of all 550-plus outdoor artworks in The Hague will be digitally available.

Heavenly Vault, James Turrell, 1996. Photo: Gerrit Schreurs.

Intersection, Lon Pennock, 1981. Photo: Ralph Kämena.

Rubble ball, Donald Duk, 1976. Photo: Ralph Kämena.

Fountain with three dancing girls, Gerard van Remmen, 1960. Photograph: Ralph Kämena.

Eyecatchers in the new city districts

Who doesn't know it yet? The internationally renowned Heavenly Vault by James Turrell in the dunes near Kijkduin? Lying on your back on the bench, head backwards staring at the edge of the crater and then noticing that the sky is a dome instead of a flat roof: a special experience.

Turrell's monumental sculpture is not the only work of art in Loosduinen that stands out. There are more of them in this part of town. Think of Lon Pennock's unreal balancing rectangles or Donald Duk's giant Rubble Ball . Besides all that abstract art, Loosduinen also houses many more recognizable images, such as Mother and child by Peter van der Meer or Girl on a hobbyhorse by Rob Pleysier.

Apart from beautiful bronze sculptures, the collection of outdoor art in Segbroek also includes a number of fine monuments. This district has a fountain with Dancing Girls by artist Gerard van Remmen, as well as the Monument to Major Thomson by Arend Odé and Charles van Wijk.

The Hague Outdoor Art accessible online

Buitenkunst Den Haag was commissioned by the municipality of The Hague and developed in collaboration with Stroom Den Haag. The website contains information about all artworks in the city that are visible from the public road. This way everyone can look up whose sculpture is nearby, when it was made and what it means. The site also shows whether there are any other sculptures by the same artist in the city. This is also useful for day trippers from outside the city and professionals in the field of art. An English version is available especially for foreign tourists and expats. In the coming months, information about art from more and more parts of the city will be made available via the website.
