Onbekende maker

Artworks BKDH

Monument Geweldslachtoffers, 2010

On 14 May 2000, window cleaner Daan de Blok and funeral director Alan Roos were murdered. After a night out they drove along in the car of [...].

Monument Waalsdorpervlakte, 1946

No dignitaries in office, no official delegations, no speeches. Most people know the commemoration of the dead on 4 May on the Waalsdorpervlakte as a modest, dignified event.

Monument Trekvlietplein, 1946/1947

At first glance, it is a curious mishmash. The three plaques and a large column that stand at the entrance to the municipal workshop of [...]

Plaquette Prinses Irene Brigade, 1985

It was Queen Juliana who on 2 May 1985, in the presence of 250 veterans, unveiled the plaque commemorating the entry of the [...]

Stadspomp, Lange Voorhout, 1715

After many years of 'drought', anyone who is thirsty can pump a sip of clean drinking water again on Lange Voorhout. To this end, the municipality and [...]

Bourdonklok, 1959

The Waalsdorpervlakte is home to many of the commemorations of the dead that take place there every year on 4 May. Those who remember the ceremony see the procession in front of them [...].

Stadspomp, Rond de Grote Kerk, Onbekend

Hard to imagine now, but in the old days everyone drank water from the ditch or canal. Even the polluted Hofvijver supplied the water. A little safer [...]

Gedenkplaats Parallelweg, 1953

On 29 March 1945, members of the resistance molested and disarmed two German soldiers on the Parallelweg. One day later, members of the resistance held a column there [...].
