Aart van den IJssel

Place of birth

Den Haag

Year of birth




Artworks BKDH

Zon, 1961

A flaming sun in bronze adorns the wall of the Kennedy School. The powerful, agile rays spread out from two circles placed inside each other. In [...]

Mechanisch insect, (1959) 1960

At the end of the fifties the Laan van Meerdervoort had to be widened between the Muurbloemweg and the Kijkduinsestraat. Due to an increase in the [...]

Zon, 1961

Now he has a good shelter in the Zuiderpark, but around 2000 this 'Sun' was still near a school building on the Guntersteinweg. The image from [...]

Mens en Dier, 1962

On the site of the former public slaughterhouse in the Laakhaven area is now the Slachthuisplein. The layout of the square and the large glass roof [...].

Bevrijdingsmonument Irene, 1959

Our national tricolour was, especially after the Second World War, the symbol of freedom. That is why the General Committee of The Hague, at the tenth commemoration of the [...]
